PBDB Data Service 1.1 v6 > Fossil collections > Single fossil collection


This path returns information about a single collection, selected by its identifier.


Here are some usage examples:


The following required parameter selects a record to retrieve:


The identifier of the collection you wish to retrieve (REQUIRED)

You can use the following parameter to request additional information about each retrieved collection:


Selects additional information to be returned along with the basic record for each collection. Its value should be one or more of the following, separated by commas:


The list of geographic clusters to which the collection belongs.


The attribution of the collection: the author name(s) from the primary reference, and the year of publication.


The primary reference for the collection, as formatted text.


Additional information about the geographic locality of the collection


Information about the paleogeographic locality of the collection, evaluated according to the model(s) specified by the parameter pgm.


Indicate whether the collection is on protected land


Additional information about the temporal locality of the collection.


Basic information about the stratigraphic context of the collection.


Detailed information about the stratigraphic context of collection. This includes all of the information from strat plus extra fields.


Basic information about the lithological context of the collection.


Detailed information about the lithological context of the collection. This includes all of the information from lith plus extra fields.


Information about the geological context of the collection


Any additional remarks that were entered about the collection.


The identifiers of the people who authorized, entered and modified this record


The names of the people who authorized, entered and modified this record


The created and modified timestamps for the collection record


Specifies the order in which the results are returned. You can specify multiple values separated by commas, and each value may be appended with .asc or .desc. Accepted values are:


Results are ordered chronologically by early age bound, oldest to youngest unless you add .asc


Results are ordered chronologically by late age bound, oldest to youngest unless you add .asc


Results are ordered based on the difference between the early and late age bounds, starting with occurrences with the largest spread (least precise temporal resolution) unless you add .asc


Results are ordered by the stratigraphic formation in which they were found, sorted alphabetically.


Results are ordered by the stratigraphic group in which they were found, sorted alphabetically.


Results are ordered by the stratigraphic member in which they were found, sorted alphabetically.


Results are ordered by the geological plate on which they are located, sorted numerically by identifier.


Results are ordered by the date the record was created, most recent first unless you add .asc.


Results are ordered by the date the record was last modified most recent first unless you add .asc

If no order is specified, results are sorted by collection identifier.

You can also use any of the special parameters with this request


This data service accepts the following HTTP methods: GET, HEAD


The response to an HTTP request on this path will consist of fields from the following list. The block basic is always present. The others may be selected using the parameter show.

Field nameBlockDescription
collection_no oid basic

A unique identifier for the collection. For now, these are positive integers, but this might change and should not be relied on.

record_type typ basic

type of this object: 'col' for a collection

formation sfm basic

The formation in which the collection was found

lng lng basic

The longitude at which the collection is located (in degrees)

lat lat basic

The latitude at which the collection is located (in degrees)

llp prc basic

A two-letter code indicating the basis and precision of the geographic coordinates.

collection_name nam basic

An arbitrary name which identifies the collection, not necessarily unique

collection_subset nm2 basic

If the collection is a part of another one, this field specifies which part

attribution att attr

The attribution (author and year) of the collection

pubyr pby attr

The year in which the collection was published

n_occs noc basic

The number of occurrences in the collection

early_interval oei basic

The specific geologic time range associated with the collection (not necessarily a standard interval), or the interval that begins the range if late_interval is also given

late_interval oli basic

The interval that ends the specific geologic time range associated with the collection

reference_no rid basic

The identifier(s) of the references from which this data was entered. For now these are positive integers, but this could change and should not be relied on.

bin_id_1 lv1 bin

The identifier of the level-1 cluster in which the collection is located

bin_id_2 lv2 bin

The identifier of the level-2 cluster in which the collection is located

bin_id_3 lv3 bin

The identifier of the level-2 cluster in which the collection is located

bin_id_4 lv4 bin

The identifier of the level-2 cluster in which the collection is located

bin_id_5 lv5 bin

The identifier of the level-3 cluster in which the collection is located

primary_reference ref ref

The primary reference associated with this record (as formatted text)

cc cc2 loc

The country in which the collection is located, encoded as ISO-3166-1 alpha-2

state sta loc

The state or province in which the collection is located, if known

county cny loc

The county or municipal area in which the collection is located, if known

geogscale gsc loc

The geographic scale of the collection.

paleomodel pm1 paleoloc

The primary model specified by the parameter pgm. This field will only be included if more than one model is indicated.

paleolng pln paleoloc

The paleolongitude of the collection, evaluated according to the primary model indicated by the parameter pgm.

paleolat pla paleoloc

The paleolatitude of the collection, evaluated according to the primary model indicated by the parameter pgm.

geoplate gpl paleoloc

The identifier of the geological plate on which the collection lies, evaluated according to the primary model indicated by the parameter pgm. This might be either a number or a string.

paleomodel2 pm2 paleoloc

An alternate model specified by the parameter pgm. This field will only be included if more than one model is indicated. There may also be paleomodel3, etc.

paleolng2 pn2 paleoloc

An alternate paleolongitude for the collection, if the pgm parameter indicates more than one model. There may also be paleolng3, etc.

paleolat2 pa2 paleoloc

An alternate paleolatitude for the collection, if the pgm parameter indicates more than one model. There may also be paleolat3, etc.

geoplate2 gp2 paleoloc

An alternate geological plate identifier, if the pgm parameter indicates more than one model. There may also be geoplate3, etc.

cc cc2 prot

The country in which the collection is located, encoded as ISO-3166-1 alpha-2

protected ptd prot

The protected status of the land on which the collection is located, if any

early_age eag time

The early bound of the geologic time range associated with the collection or cluster (in Ma)

late_age lag time

The late bound of the geologic time range associated with the collection or cluster (in Ma)

cx_int_no cxi time

The identifier of the most specific single interval from the selected timescale that covers the entire time range associated with the collection or cluster.

early_int_no ein time

The beginning of a range of intervals from the selected timescale that most closely brackets the time range associated with the collection or cluster (with late_int_no)

late_int_no lin time

The end of a range of intervals from the selected timescale that most closely brackets the time range associated with the collection or cluster (with early_int_no)

formation sfm strat

The stratigraphic formation in which the collection is located, if known

stratgroup sgr strat

The stratigraphic group in which the collection is located, if known

member smb strat

The stratigraphic member in which the collection is located, if known

stratscale ssc stratext

The stratigraphic range covered by this collection

zone szn stratext

The stratigraphic zone in which the collection is located, if known

localsection sls stratext

The local section in which the collection is located, if known

localbed slb stratext

The local bed in which the collection is located, if known

localorder slo stratext

The order in which local beds were described, if known

regionalsection srs stratext

The regional section in which the collection is located, if known

regionalbed srb stratext

The regional bed in which the collection is located, if known

regionalorder sro stratext

The order in which regional beds were described, if known

stratcomments scm stratext

Additional comments about the stratigraphic context of the collection, if any

lithdescript ldc lith

Detailed description of the collection site in terms of lithology

lithology1 lt1 lith

The first lithology described for the collection site; the database can represent up to two different lithologies per collection

lithadj1 la1 lithext

Adjective(s) describing the first lithology

lithification1 lf1 lith

Lithification state of the first lithology described for the site

minor_lithology1 lm1 lith

Minor lithology associated with the first lithology described for the site

fossilsfrom1 ff1 lithext

Whether or not fossils were taken from the first described lithology

lithology2 lt2 lith

The second lithology described for the collection site, if any

lithadj2 la2 lithext

Adjective(s) describing the second lithology, if any

lithification2 lf2 lith

Lithification state of the second lithology described for the site. See above for values.

minor_lithology2 lm2 lith

Minor lithology associated with the second lithology described for the site, if any

fossilsfrom2 ff2 lithext

Whether or not fossils were taken from the second described lithology

environment env geo

The paleoenvironment of the collection site

tectonic_setting tec geo

The tectonic setting of the collection site

geology_comments gcm geo

General comments about the geology of the collection site

collection_aka crm rem

Any additional remarks that were entered about the collection

authorizer_no ati ent, entname

The identifier of the person who authorized the entry of this record

enterer_no eni ent, entname

The identifier of the person who actually entered this record.

modifier_no mdi ent, entname

The identifier of the person who last modified this record, if it has been modified.

authorizer ath entname

The name of the person who authorized the entry of this record

enterer ent entname

The name of the person who actually entered this record

modifier mdf entname

The name of the person who last modified this record, if it has been modified.

created dcr crmod

The date and time at which this record was created.

modified dmd crmod

The date and time at which this record was last modified.


The following response formats are available for this operation. You must select the desired format for a request by adding the appropriate suffix to the URI path.

JSON .json

JSON format

Comma-separated text .txt

Text formats

Comma-separated text .csv

Text formats

Tab-separated text .tsv

Text formats


The following response vocabularies are available for this operation. If you wish your responses to be expressed in a vocabulary other than the default for your selected format, you can use the vocab parameter with the appropriate vocabulary name.

VocabularyNameDefault forDescription
PaleobioDB field names pbdb txt, csv, tsv

The PBDB vocabulary is derived from the underlying field names and values in the database, augmented by a few new fields. For the most part any response that uses this vocabulary will be directly comparable to downloads from the PBDB Classic interface. This vocabulary is the default for text format responses.

Compact field names com json

The Compact vocabulary is a set of 3-character field names designed to minimize the size of the response message. This is the default for JSON format responses. Some of the field values are similarly abbreviated, while others are conveyed in their entirety. For details, see the documentation for the individual response fields.


This service is provided by the Paleobiology Database, hosted by the Department of Geoscience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

If you have questions about this data service, or wish to report a bug, please contact the database administrator at admin@paleobiodb.org