PBDB Data Service 1.2 v2 > Combined data


The URL paths documented in this section provide access to operations that return more than one record type.

Follow this link for more information on the use of taxonomic names in this data service.


The following URL paths are available:

General auto-completion

Return a list of names matching any string of characters. This operation is intended to be used for auto-completion in client applications. The desired record types can be specified using the type parameter, and the number of records to be returned using limit.

List various types of records associated with bibliographic references

Return a list of records of the specified types that are associated with the specified bibliographic reference(s). The desired record types can be specified using the type parameter.


This service is provided by the Paleobiology Database, hosted by the Department of Geoscience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

If you have questions about this data service, or wish to report a bug, please contact the database administrator at admin@paleobiodb.org